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Report Child Abuse in North Carolina (1).png

In North Carolina, your local child protective services agency and law enforcement are dedicated to safeguarding children from harm, and they remain accessible 24/7 to receive reports of child abuse. It is of utmost importance that if you become aware of any instance of child abuse, you should not hesitate to make a report immediately. Remember, the timely reporting of abuse can potentially prevent further harm and provide essential support and intervention for the child in need.

North Carolina's child protective services and law enforcement agencies work collaboratively to investigate reports of child abuse and ensure the safety and well-being of children throughout the state. No matter when the abuse occurred or where it took place, reporting it promptly is a vital step in protecting vulnerable children and holding perpetrators accountable. By coming forward with information, you play an essential role in creating a safer environment for children in North Carolina and helping them lead healthier, happier lives.


Where do I report Child abuse in North Caarolina (1).png

Why is Disclosure so significant?

Disclosure emphasizes the importance of timely action. It acknowledges the reality that victims might take time to disclose their traumas, but once revealed, it should be acted upon immediately.



Understanding Child Disclosures

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When it comes to reporting child abuse, the mantra is clear:

The moment you know is the moment you act

Irrespective of when the abuse occurred - be it days, months, or years ago - the obligation to report is immediate upon gaining knowledge.

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